Friday, April 22, 2011

I'm Baaack! Late again, as usual.

     Geez!  The guys ruled the day on the forums we have on  The chatty wimmenfolk done took to one of our best friend's Place (one of the ladies, of course) and made a day of it I suppose.  Made it quiet in there.
     That's arrite today, as I have nothing really to say.  Need to do a blather for the Blog and help MikiCato do one for the Cat's Blog too.  Need make one for Miki to post on the blog, 'House Panthers', since he is now a guest poster there.
     While I was on the forums I felt I might as well do the Blather of the week or whatever it's called now that I'm not reliable enough to do a daily even on the BBCW Blog much less on my own blog here.
     Not sure when I'll get something of interest to write about.  I think of something and before I can get to the damn keyboard I have totally forgotten what it was I had planned to write about.  I was used to that back years ago when I was into the bottle most of the time, but now?  Just ain't right.  Gets me a mite upset I tell ya.
     Lets see, of late, I wrote the final post for KnightOwl's Place Community on (that one is actually in limbo ..... reserve, as it were), and still have to do some work on Buddy's Forum located on the Web Site.  Have a mess of pictures to put either on the Web site or on the PhotoBucket account cause they are supposed to be shared on Buddy's Blog spot.  Still have to crop/tweak and resize them before that.  I won't trust the Bucket to do the resizing ..... just too iffy.
     The days are getting harder to handle as each new one comes along All I want to do, or at least all I seem to be able to do is walk a couple miles in the morning, drink a tea and have my pills, then go right back to bed.  I'm as sleep logged as are the cats.  It's said the cats sleep 18 to 20 hrs in 24.  I must be an honorary Cat ..... something.  At least I'm eating well enough to suit the Lady of the House or she would probably be wanting to take me to the Vet to see what's wrong with me.
     Old gears are hard to get shifted I'm tellin ya.  And Yea, I know!  There are those of you out there that are my senior by a couple three or more years and are going strong.  Bully!  I can't do it no more.
     Old Owl will play look-out and hold down the fort for you young sprouts to go out and conquer the world.  I'm conquered out.
     Still, life is good.  I gots my Ladylove, my kitty 'children' who seem to love me ..... at least they love my warm spot in the bed and don't mind sharing, they love when I talk to them, the 'children' love when I scritch and hug them, even pull their tails and play with them.  Miki and Tegar will not go to sleep next to me unless they have bodily contact, a paw on my arm at least.  Guess they have me trained.  Now if I could just train them ......
     Have a good weekend one and all.  For those who celebrate the Holiday this weekend, have a good one, be safe and enjoy.  For those of a different mind, be safe, be happy, and everyone come when you can.
     Where's the pictures?  Geez!  I did forget the pictures didn't I.  NOT!

Miki in one of his short rest stops during a recent romp through
a big pile of plastic shopping bags we sorted out.
The rest were a mite 'fuzzy', but they will
be posted anyway.
Just not here, and not this evening. 

     With that I'm thinking I best needs leave this alone, take myself out of the Blog site and tend to the family.  It's a mite noisy right now.  That means the HoWE (herd of wild elephants) are having their crazy 15 minutes through the house, up the walls, down the halls, up to the top of the cat tree and back again.  Just hope the Lady of the House is staying out of the way.
     Later .....

     Y'all come.  And bring/send your neighbours and friends.
     Newbies/Characters are welcome too!



  1. Hi there Roy, Lovely to read your posts. You have a good way with words. Have u written a book before? It's great that u walk a couple of miles everyday. I should walk more and take the car less!I expect u have some lovely places to walk near yours. I often drive out of the city to escape to the countryside. Off now to watch a little of the Royal wedding on TV. Hope you, your ladylove and kitties have a lovely day.

  2. Just to say that I've been shocked and saddened to hear about the deaths from the recent tornadoes. I hope and pray you r safe where u r. Thinking of u all.


Thanks for joining me. Talk to me. I like talk. Talk is good. Gives me something to read.